Edgefolio partners with Morningstar to bring you 140k funds!
Edgefolio partners with Morningstar into the world of Long Only, ETF’s, UCITS, Fund of Funds. We now providee access to over 140k Funds, all through best-in-class web-based technology solutions
LinkedIn for asset fundraising
LinkedIn presents an opportunity for asset managers to grow their presence and build relationships with investors in a highly targeted digital channel. In this article, we cover the most effective strategies to obtain business results.
Making it Big Survey: How can you reach 1bn AUM? (teaser)
Our collaborative research with AIMA and GPP, “Making it Big” provides insights from larger, more established managers who blazed a trail in building a billion-dollar hedge fund business. The research examines their path to growth, providing a road map for all emerging and start-up managers.