Digital distribution and fund marketing for third party marketers

CRM, fund intelligence and fund marketing; your virtual shop window and marketing machine.


The job is getting harder

With more hedge funds than ever before, you need to adapt to help your funds rise above the crowd and be seen.

Investors expect more

Increasingly knowledgeable investors demand self-service insight and transparency.

Your brand matters

3PMs need to position themselves as above and beyond the competition, and brand perception is hugely important in selection.

Clients want data

Hedge funds want clear transparency into what their 3PM has done for them, and the value this has added to their business.

Pressure on price

Margin pressure and competition on price makes digitisation across operations essential.

Introducing FundPlatform

A compliant, scalable and fully-digital fund distribution and marketing platform.

Silver service fund marketing

Next level fund marketing for your clients.

Tried, tested, trusted

Used by six of the top 10 global investment banks.

Introducing FundPlatform
You’re in good company


Your single repository for all contacts, activities and tasks.

Track throughout your operation

Go into every conversation with complete and accurate information.

Focus your sales effort

Use engagement metrics to have the right conversation at the right time.

Collaborate across teams

No more siloes, reduced key-man risk.

Prove your value

Measure and report on your ROI.

Fund intelligence

Your navigable fund catalogue, for internal and external use.

Fund intelligence
Your shop window

Showcase the funds you offer in a single repository that investors can access independently.

A great investor journey

Offer investors a far superior experience, delivering greater value for your funds.

Give your managers control

Managers can provide the information they want to display, direct to FundPlatform.

Data-driven effort

Have the right conversation, at the right time – guided by investor engagement.

Fund marketing

Slick marketing automation, to deliver and illustrate at scale.

Fund marketing
First class marketing

Content, campaigns, emails – all within FundPlatform.

Your virtual event machine

Agenda, registration and promotion workflows for streamlined events.

Measure your value

Campaign metrics, performance and ultimate ROI for your clients.

Case study

Thales Agora

The private marketplace of Agora lists a select list of top tier Hedge Funds and includes some of the world´s leading investors on the allocator side. Thales is highly regarded as one of the hottest brokers in the US and Edgefolio has helped cement their position at the forefront of innovation