SOC2 Type 2

Edgefolio achieves SOC2 Type 2 accreditation

After achieving SOC2 Type 1 compliance last year, we further vetted our security systems via the significantly more granular external SOC2 Type 2 audit process. Today, we’re proud to announce that Edgefolio has achieved SOC2 Type 2 accreditation.

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The power of an integrated fund marketing solution for emerging managers

Let’s start by stating the obvious; emerging managers almost always need to drive investment into their fund. However, they often do this with minimal marketing budget, no dedicated marketing professionals, an unknown brand, and little to no track record. No easy task. 

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The disproportionate burden carried by emerging managers

Emerging managers face many of the same challenges and overheads as their much larger and more established counterparts. However, this represents a disproportionate burden given their smaller – often negative – margins and limited resources. 

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The impact of SMAs on investor relations

Ever-growing demand for transparency is a key driver for separately managed accounts (SMAs). What is the impact of this on investor relations teams? How can all IR teams meet investor demands for transparency?

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Enhancing your investor relations efforts with tech

IR teams have to both manage communications effectively and build meaningful relationships that go beyond surface-level interactions. How can a CRM system streamline and even guide this interpersonal activity?

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Marketing data insights: refining your strategy

Picture your marketing data as a compass, guiding your strategy by providing feedback on your investors’ journeys. How can these insights help you refine your sales and marketing strategy?

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Marketing data insights: painting a picture of your investors

What types of information can you get on your investors? Piecing together your marketing data paints a holistic picture of your investor audience, illustrating which investors you are getting most traction with.

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Maximising value through CRM connectivity

Why is CRM connectivity important? Creating an automated flow of information between systems saves you the time and effort required to manually input data from various formats.

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Starting as you mean to go on: why hedge funds should use a CRM from the outset

Most emerging hedge funds operate on a restricted budget, and implementing a CRM to support their sales and investor relations process is often not a priority. The result? The loss of valuable early-stage data.

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