Vietnam & selling the story: Kenno, Mikael Nastamo
In our ‘Exposure’ series, we’re talking to our clients & about the funds, people & strategies. Kenno, experts in Vietnam’s economy are up next.
Exposure series: Trajectoire Capital Group, Cyril Bériot
As part of our new ‘Exposure’ series, we’ll be sitting down with some of our clients, and showcasing the brands, the people behind the funds, their investment strategies and their thoughts on how technology is disrupting both the present and the future of the fund industry.
ESTea #19 14/10/21 Spotlight on: Tikehau Impact Credit
The world of high yield credit has, so far, been relatively impregnable against the crashing waves of ESG investment. Not so from summer of this year, when the team at Tikehau launched their `Tikehau Impact Credit` fund*.
ESTea #18 22/09/21 Spotlight on: Altana Carbon Futures Opportunity and Carbon Credit Hedge Funds
In 2005, as the European Union tried to plot a market-lead but effective path to lower overall emissions, they launched the world’s first major carbon emissions trading scheme .
ESTea #17 02/09/21 Spotlight on: Triodos Pioneer Impact Fund
Triodos have, by far, the clearest commitment to carbon-neutral and ethical investing of any major fund brand. Almost certainly they launched the first ‘Green’ fund back in 1990, only ten years after they were founded and decades before the rest of the market.
ESTea #15 18/09/21 Spotlight on: KBI Global Sustainable Infrastructure Fund
Since 2017 – long before many of us even heard the phrase ‘ESG’ – Colm O’Conner at KBI has been building the Global Sustainable Infrastructure Fund (GSIF). Now in its fourth year, the fund has great performance, runs under an Article 8 banner and invests in all the companies I wanted to work for when I was a kid…
ESTea #14 23/07/21 Spotlight on: Eurizon Sustainable Multiasset
Essentially, the Italians do everything better than the rest of the world. It’s hard to admit – but it’s true. Born from the finest Italian Banking pedigree (Intesa Sanpaolo) – Eurizon is a prima donna of asset managers, complete with a virtuoso sustainable manifesto.
ESTea #14 23/07/21 Spotlight on: Generation Investment Management
What if Al Gore chaired a hedge fund dedicated to decarbonising the global economy and averting an ecological tipping point? Oh yeah, he already does that.
ESTea #13 23/07/21 Spotlight on: The Children’s Investment Fund
The Children’s Investment (TCI) Fund is one of the world’s most prominent ESG-concerned hedge funds, and often forms the vanguard of investor activism on ESG issues – especially around the environment and climate change. Despite the fact that they were never established as an activist, nor a climate-change fund – TCI have emerged as a preeminent and highly successful activist fund.