Allocators really value secure and immediate access to your documents. In the next few days, we’re going to be offering you a free upgrade to make sharing your documents even easier.

This is a preview of the new document room that is now featured in FundPortal!

What have we added?

The new document room has been written from the ground up to offer a new rich client-side experience. This allows for a lot of things, including:

  • Arbitrarily nested folders, maintaining rich permissions for individual files
  • A simpler representation of user-specific documents
  • Drag and drop multi-file uploads and moves
  • Bulk select and change permissions
  • A clear, icon-based file system view that makes it easy to use on the phone

(What your investors can see on their phones)

We’re excited to share this improvement with you!

For any questions and feedback, please feel free to reach us at

Oh, and one last thing:
We’ve thoroughly revamped the mobile experience of the portal. You can now use your phone or iPad to showcase your fund in the best way possible.

Do you like what you see? Get in touch here: