As a hedge fund manager, it’s easy to see your time evaporate with day-to-day admin and chores – time that could be better spent focusing on growing your portfolio and impressing your investors. In the digital economy, it’s expected that most businesses will have a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool. However many of them will also be investing their time into tailoring it for their specific operations in order to automate as many of their administrative tasks as possible.

The good news is that these days you can find a CRM pre-customised for almost any given industry, including alternative asset management.

Why use a CRM tailored for hedge funds?

The benefits of using a CRM are well documented, but by choosing a system that has been tailored for hedge funds, you can avoid the costs of customising it yourself and benefit from the features that have been designed specifically for the hedge fund industry.With a hedge fund CRM, you can centralise your investor relations data, keep track of interactions and identify what their current needs are. In addition, a hedge fund CRM will allow investors to access fund information at any time, providing them with the transparency needed to build trust in your fund strategy.

What should you look for in a CRM tool?

A hedge fund CRM should include features that optimise the process of onboarding and retaining an investor. You’ll want to make sure that it has:

  • Pipeline management: Investor relations teams should be able to identify prospective investors, segment their customers into target groups and create performance estimates.
  • Email marketing: Using the customer segments identified, you should be able to email your investors with mass, personalised messaging. You’ll want to be able to know which investors are likely to be interested in certain content and be able to deliver that to them in a timely manner.
  • Fund Portal: Also known as an investor portal, a FundPortal is a secure website where investors can log in to access specific reports made available by the fund. By giving investors the ability to self-serve fund documents and reports, managers can increase confidence and satisfy growing needs for transparency.

In today’s marketplace, a CRM with a fully functional FundPortal may be just the thing to secure investor trust. Not only does offer the level of convenience expected in the digital world, but can also be seen as a true investment in a firm’s business, and professionalism.

You can head over here to read more about FundPortal, the document portal solution from Edgefolio. If you would like to find out more or request a tour of the tool, feel free to contact us.

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